Naturopathy – Ulcer and Colitis – Abdominal Disorders


An ulcer is a condition born out of wrong diet and indigestion. Besides, stress, worry, and emotional problems, jealousy, frustration, guilt or loneliness also contribute to ulcers. Stress gives rise to the production of excess acid in the stomach and it is this excess acid that causes the ulcer. Symptoms of ulcer are – heartburn, belching, acidity, gnawing, discomfort or pain in the stomach.

Treatment of Ulcer

A Well Balanced Diet plays an important role in the treatment of ulcers. A small meal like a cup of chilled milk or naturally sweet juice may be given frequently. No sweet, sour, refined, irritating, bitter, hard and tough food should be given. A well-balanced diet like tender, soft and well-cooked vegetables including potatoes, cabbages, beans, and peas should be given. Among fruits, fully ripe banana, apple, melon, mango, papaya and pea, s are permitted; but sour food and spices are harmful. Papad, chutney, pickles, pan masala, betel nuts, tobacco chewing, zarda, tea, coffee, beverages, alcohol and smoking should be avoided. The stomach must not be kept empty for long.


Colitis is an inflammation of the colon. The colon is the large intestine and is the largest part of the digestive tract. Colitis is of two kinds: ulcerative colitis and mucus colitis. Colitis is caused by several factors like heredity, imbalanced diet, infection, the immune process, stress and habitual use of purgatives.

Symptoms of Colitis

The symptoms of colitis are frequent excretion of loose and offensive stools containing mucus and traces of blood followed by fever. Discomfort and a sense of fullness are commonly present in the lower part of the abdomen. The discomfort is generally worse after the meal and is relieved after passing stools. The treatment lies in cleansing the entire system, particularly the colon and the whole intestinal tract thereby allowing the inflamed mucus membrane to heal. Then a well balaned diet of natural foods must be followed. Consult treatment chart.

>>>>Amoebic Dysentery

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  1. Dhiraj Kriplani
