Naturopathy – Urinary Disorder – Prostate Gland

Urinary Disorder – Prostate Gland

Urinary disorder of the the prostate gland is an organ made up of muscular and glandular structures which surround the neck of the male kidney bladder and the first part of the urethra – the tube that conducts the urine out of the kidney bladder to the urinary opening. However, in old age, enlargement (hypertrophy) of the prostate is very common, occurring in about one-third of all men over sixty years of age.

Its earliest symptom is frequent urination both during the day and at night with weak stream or just dribbling. The patient will have to get up several times during the night to empty the kidney bladder and also needs effort to pass urine. Sometimes it will be necessary to have the physician to drain the urine with a catheter. If the urine is retained, it exerts great pressure within the kidney bladder, inflammation of the kidney bladder – Cystitis – and kidney disease are likely to be the result. Headache, irritability, nervousness, lassitude and a general feeling of debility may be caused by hypertrophy of the prostate.

Prostate Gland – Treatment

The treatment of prostate gland consists of rest in bed, light diet such as fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of pure water and breathing plenty of fresh air. Ensure that no constipation occurs. Besides, take treatment as prescribed in the chart.
Iodine is good in the form of natural food aids in normalizing the glandular mechanism and breaking down morbid growth. A few pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds (raw) which are rich source of iodine should be taken twice/thrice daily. Cabbage, ash gourd, carrot, pineapple, banana and apple also contain iodine.


1). Starch and sweets particularly at night.

2). Potato, brinjal, radish, spices, salt, chilies, pepper, citrus fruits, lemon, anything sour and irritating, alcohol.

Menstrual Disorders

Menstruation normally begins at the age of 11 – 13 years and stops around 45 years. Normally the cycles are regular – occur once in 28 days (range 21 – 35 days) with the bleeding lasting for 3-5 days….

>>>Menstrual Disorders

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  1. P.S.Kalsi
