Nature Homeopathy – A Way of Life

Utthita Padasana Procedure and Benefits

Utthita Padasana Procedure and Benefits 1

The expansion is Utthi + idham+padam+asanam. Utthi means stomach. Idham means protection. This asana will protection for the stomach. Lying supine with legs straight, raise both legs is called Utthita Padasana. It is easy to see, though, are a lot more benefits. We have to take a short look at the step by step procedure of utthita padasana and benefits.

The focus of breath: When lifting the legs inhale breathe, normal breathing when doing this asana, and come out the legs exhale breathe.

Utthita Padasana Procedure

This is a simple asana and gives more benefits. Concentrate well while doing this asana like a dance then you can get a very good feeling.

Benefits of Utthita Padasana

Pregnant women should not do this asana. The women who are having experience in asanas can do this asana for four to five months.

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