Nature Homeopathy – A Way of Life

The Procedure and Benefits of Shashankasana


Certain types of yoga asanas help to stimulate the activity of endocrine glands and digestive organs in our body, ensure balanced hormone production in our body, regulate their levels, and maintain balance. Let us now look at the procedure of Shashankasana and its benefits.

Shashankasana that gives strengthens the hip bones!

Name Reason: – ‘Shashanga’ means the moon. This asana is called Shashangasana because it looks like a crescent moon. Shashankasana also called hare pose. This asana is performed by lower your body and placing your head with the floor. While doing this asana stretches the spinal cord and helps to relieve the back pain.

The focus of breath: If crouch exhales the breathing. When the asana of normal breathing and when you come out inhale breathing.

The Procedure of Shashankasana (The Hare Pose Yoga)

  1. Sit in the vajrasana with palms on the knees.
  2. Raise your arms up. Stretch upwards from the trunk.
  3. Then keeping the arms straight, lower your body towards the floor. Rest your hands on the floor. Then try to touch either the forehead or the crown of the head on the floor. Ensure that your elbows are straight.
  4. Close your eyes and maintain the pose for three to five breaths.
  5. To come out of the asana, first, lift your head off the floor, then raise the body and hands up. Slowly bring the hands down and rest them on the knees, come out of vajrasana and sit in a relaxed manner.

In case you have forgotten how to sit in vajrasana, here’s a quick recap:

  1. Sit with your legs straight in front of you, keeping the palms near the buttocks.
  2. Fold the right leg at the knee and place the foot below the right buttock – the sole should face outwards.
  3. Similarly, fold the left leg and place the foot below the left buttock with the soles facing outwards. The big toes should touch each other.

Do’s and Don’ts:

Physical Benefits of Shashankasana

Mental Benefits of Shashankasana

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