Naturopathy Treatment – Hypotension, Diabetes, Arthritis

Naturopathy Treatment for Hypotension (LBP)

Disease: Hypotension (LBP), under weight, anemia, fatigue, nervous debility.

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program minus lemon bath daily. Drink milk with honey, warm honey water, soups, butter milk, curd, sugarcane juice, boiled vegetables and light nutritious diet. Eat some fruits, soaked nuts like almonds and roasted grams during day 2-3 times. Increase mascular activity by brisk walk/exercises.

Yoga: Kunjal, Laghyshankha Prakshalana, Suryanamaskara, paschimottanasana, Dhanurasana, Yogamudra, Shirshasana (on apparatus), Kapal Bhati, Bhastrika, Anuloma Viloma.

Naturopathy Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus

Disease: Diabetes Mellitus

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program plus GH (Gastro Hepatic) pack. Take hot and cold hip bath twice a week and abdominal pack at night. Do more brisk walks and jogging. Take rest, relaxation and sleep for minimum 10 hours daily. Drink karela juice, lemon/amla juice jamun, mosambi, vegetable soup, butter milk and curds. Have minimum carbohydrate diet. Reduce working hours. May take some fruits and roasted grams 2-3 times a day.

Yoga: Kunjal, Laghyshankha Prakshalana, Suryanamaskara, Dhanurasana, janusirasana, Adha Matsyendrasana, Shirshasana (on apparatus), Kapal Bhati, Bhastrika, Anuloma Viloma.

Naturopathy Treatment for Arthritis, rheumatism, spondylitis, back pain, sciatica, lumbago.

Disease: Arthritis, rheumatism, spondylitis, back pain, sciatica, lumbago.

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program minus cold hip bath and cold drinks plus hot Epsom salt bath, fomentation, infra-red to back and pain zones, hot hip bath with salt, hot spinal bath, dry friction joint packs. Thorough overhauling of the system with fasting and enema for 6 to 10 days followed by only fruit diet for 10/15 days. Do back bending asanas repeatedly. Use only hard bed, avoid jerks, pillows, long sittings, constipation and citrus fruits. Always have restricted diet-light but nutritious and rich in calcium/Vitamin B and D – like skimmed milk and its products.

Yoga: Kunjal, Ardha Pavanmuktasana, Katichalana, Uttan Tadosana, Bhujangasana, Parvatasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Vakrasana, Kapal Bhati, Anuloma Viloma (simple).

Naturopathy Treatment for Diseases and Treatments – Kidney, Stomach, Skin, Fevers

Disease : Kidney Disease

Naturopathy Treatment: Common Program plus kidney pack, drink plenty of water and be only on liquids like juice of wheat grass, cucumber,

>>>>Kidney, Stomach, Skin, Fevers
