Nature Homeopathy – A Way of Life

Health Benefits of Mint – Mentha Spicata

Health Benefits of Mint - Mentha Spicata 1

Mint (Mentha Spicata) – The Wonder Herbal

Mint (Mentha Spicata) has been enjoyed for centuries for its wonderful aroma, great taste and amazing healing power. This wonder herb does more than just emit good aroma. It has long been a part of both the cuisine and medicine all over the world. Mint’s natural holistic approach to health is becoming more and more popular these days.

Health benefits of Mint

Mint (Mentha Spicata) has been used in healing many maladies for many centuries. Herbal Mint is also widely known as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive conditions. Herb mint has long been known for its ability to settle nervous stomach. Herb Mint has many other health benefits as well. The anti fungal properties of mint play a vital role in the treatment of asthma and allergies. Mint reduces nervousness and anxiety.

Herbal Mint works effectively on the diseases like colic and vomiting. Mint is also useful in stimulating menstruation in those suffering from dysmenorrheal. An infusion of the leaves is used in doses of 1-2 tsp thrice a day to treat indigestion and tastelessness. Women suffering from morning sickness can add lime juice, ginger juice and honey to the mint decoction and have it twice a day to get relief.

You can relieve yourself from any worm infestation in the stomach by drinking a decoction of mint leaves. Chewing mint can prevent hiccups. Mint has also been said to slow the effects of bacteria or fungus. The application of mint oil helps the skin to be free from blemishes and helps to cool the external skin. Mint oil is widely used in making body lotions, bathing oils, soaps and skin tonics. The common types of Herb mint are pepermint, spearmint, applemint, pennyroyal etc.

Mint Tea

You can relieve yourself from any worm infestation in the stomach by drinking a decoction of mint leaves.

Mint uses for following health conditions

  1. Digestion Problem
  2. Reduce Heart Problems
  3. Stomach Problems
  4. Nausea
  5. Flatulence
  6. Anxiety
  7. Vomiting
  8. Body Freshner
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